Observatories in England and the UK

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich

The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

Jodrell Bank, Manchester

Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics is based at The University of Manchester. The Jodrell Bank Observatory and the Jodrell Bank Visitor Centre are also based there.

Jodrell Bank, Manchester

Tolcarn Research and Educational Observatory

Tolcarn Observatory is a centre in Cornwall for education, observation and research. Their mission is to make astronomy accessible to all, through links with schools and through the Tolcarn Astronomy Club, while at the same time being a serious and accredited research facility.

They have a number of telescopes housed in 2 domes. The largest telescope is a Meade LX 200, 14 inch SCT and they have facilities for photography and live streaming.


Northolt Branch Observatories

The goal of the Northolt Branch Observatories is to gather astrometric observations of Near Earth asteroids and other small solar system objects (minor planets, asteroids and comets) and submit regular measurements to the Minor Planet Center. Their aim is to obtain follow up observations on objects so that their orbits can be better defined. The main focus is to track 1st-opposition asteroids and NEOCP (Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page) objects.

Northolt Branch Observatories Facebook Page